Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Only Happy when it Rains

Day 4

I love unexpected visits from friends far away. Yesterday I caught up with Dee, a friend of mine from school who graduated and then 'disapeared' for 10 years only to turn up on a very random road trip to Nimbin with dread locks and an amazing spirit. She decided to take a trip with two amazing friends and we caught up for lunch and coffee while she was in the area. Its funny, some people make you feel at ease when your around them and I know when i spend time with Dee she is never judging me or trying to convince me to do better or worse: she just accepts me for who i am and she goes with it. I love her - she is a unique individual and I wish I had her courage to live life.

I woke up at 3am, a heavy poor was happening outside so I went to my window to watch. I don't know why but the city always makes me feel lonely. Everyone is coming and going, never stopping and I am standing still right in the middle of it watching this world go by. Musing at my window over China Town reminded me of when I was younger, wanting to be in that exact situation; an apartment in the city, doing something cool for work and living that 'big city life' but that life is not real. Its not long term and sooner or later I know I will crave for the coast like I did before. I cant help having a romantic attachment to the area I grew up in. One day I hope to call it home again.

Young Homeless Guy appeared again today. He disapeared for awhile and i wondered if he was ok or perhaps just found somewhere else to sit with his dog. His appearance was terrible. Eyes sunken in and his expression looked defeated and as I went to get my coffee he looked over at me and I decided to follow the lead of the lady before me and give him the spare change but when I came back I was disapointed to find that he was gone. I hope he and his dog are ok.

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